Blackstone's Custody Officers' Manual (Paperback)
作者: Huw Smart 
分類: Police & security services ,
Criminal law & procedure ,
England ,
書城編號: 1036437

售價: $630.00

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2021/04/02
尺寸: 234x156x32mm
ISBN: 9780198743323

Blackstone's Custody Officers' Manual is an essential reference and training resource for all custody officers and trainers. All relevant legislation is presented in a clear and concise manner, together with analysis and explanation of the areas of the Codes of Practice that are most commonly misunderstood, to offer a comprehensive treatment of all elements of the custody officer's role.

Professionals involved in the criminal justice system will be acutely aware of the ever-changing legislation that governs the reception, treatment, and welfare of people detained at police stations. This book interprets the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and accompanying Codes of Practice, and also covers detainees' entitlements, reviews and relevant times, identification and samples, as well as the extension of detention in terrorist cases.

The sixth edition contains revised material on safer detention, clinical treatment and attention, and identification and samples, and is fully updated to cover all recent legislation, including the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the Mental Health Act Codes of Practice 2015, and updates to the PACE Codes of Practice: Code A (2015), Codes B, E, and F (2013), and Codes C and H (2014). Presented as a step by step guide to all stages of the custody procedure, Blackstone's Custody Officers' Manual highlights common problem areas and offers practical guidance using real life examples, flowcharts, and summary sections.

Huw Smart 作者作品表

Blackstone's Custody Officers' Manual (Paperback)

Blackstone's Custody Officers' Manual (Paperback)

Evidence and Procedure (Paperback)

Road Policing (Paperback)

General Police Duties (00052007) (Paperback)

Blackstone's Police Q&A: Evidence and Procedure 2007 (0005Revised) (Paperback)

Blackstone's Police Q&A: Road Policing 2007 (0005) (Paperback)

Blackstone's Custody Officer's Manual (Paperback)

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