The Saints in Old Norse and Early Modern Icelandic Poetry (Hardcover)
作者: Kirsten Wolf 
分類: Literary studies: classical, early & medieval ,
Literary studies: poetry & poets ,
Icelandic ,
書城編號: 11998421

售價: $1092.00

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出版社: Univ Of Toronto Pr
出版日期: 2017/01/11
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781487500740
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The Saints in Old Norse and Early Modern Icelandic Poetry is a complimentary volume to The Legends of the Saints in Old Norse-Icelandic Prose (UTP 2013). While its predecessor dealt primarily with medieval prose texts about the saints, this volume not only focuses on medieval poems about saints but also on Icelandic devotional poetry created during the early modern period. The handlist organizes saints' names, manuscripts, and editions of individual poems with references to approximate dates of the manuscripts, as well as modern Icelandic editions and translations. Each entry concludes with secondary literature about the poem in question. These features combine to make The Saints in Old Norse and Early Modern Icelandic Poetry an invaluable resource for scholars and students in the field.

Kirsten Wolf 作者作品表

The Vikings: Facts and Fictions (Paperback)

Viking age (Hardcover)

eBook: Legends of the Saints in Old Norse-Icelandic Prose (DRM PDF)

eBook: Legends of the Saints in Old Norse-Icelandic Prose (DRM EPUB)

Female Legendary from Iceland (Hardcover)

Old Norse-Icelandic Legend of Saint Barbara (Hardcover)

Icelandic Legend of Saint Dorothy (Hardcover)

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