Classical Sanskrit Tragedy: The Concept of Suffering and Pathos in Medieval India (Paperback)
作者: Bihani Sarkar 
分類: Literary studies: general ,
Asian history ,
Medieval history ,
Sanskrit ,
書城編號: 23242170

售價: $420.00

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出版社: I B Tauris
出版日期: 2022/08/25
ISBN: 9780755639243
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It is often assumed that classical Sanskrit poetry and drama lack a concern with the tragic. However, as Bihani Sarkar makes clear in this book, this is far from the case. In the first study of tragedy in classical Sanskrit literature, Sarkar draws on a wide range of Sanskrit dramas, poems and treatises - much of them translated for the first time into English - to provide a complete history of the tragic in Indian literature from the second to the fourth centuries.

Looking at Kalidasa, the most celebrated writer of Sanskrit poetry and drama (kavya), this book argues that constructions of absence and grief are central to Kalidasa's compositions and that these 'tragic middles' are much more sophisticated than previously understood. For Kalidasa, tragic middles are modes of thinking, in which he confronts theological and philosophical issues. Through a close literary analysis of the tragic middle in five of his works, the Abhij
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