Carpenters and Kings: Western Christianity and the Idea of India (Paperback)
作者: Siddhartha Sarma 
分類: Oriental & Indian philosophy ,
Religion: general ,
Comparative religion ,
History of religion ,
Oriental religions ,
Indian sub-continent ,
India ,
South Indian Ocean Islands ,
Indian Ocean  
書城編號: 23434934

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Penguin Group
出版日期: 2022/03/01
ISBN: 9780143453512


Jordanus Catalani, the first bishop of the Church of Rome in India, introduced the northern part of the subcontinent to his readers in fourteenth-century Europe in this manner. Two hundred years before the advent of Vasco da Gama, Western Christianity-which comprises the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion and Protestant denominations today-had already arrived in India, finding among its diverse people and faiths the Church of the East already at home since the beginning of Christianity.

This is an account of how global events, including the Crusades and the Mongol conquests, came together to bring Western Christianity to India.

A gripping narrative of two diagonally opposite impulses in Christianity: of humble scholars trying to live the Christian ideal, and of ambitious ecclesiastical empire-builders with more earthly goals.

Carpenters and Kings is a tale of Christianity, and, equally, a glimpse of the India which has always existed: a multicultural land where every faith has found a home through the centuries.

Siddhartha Sarma 作者作品表

eBook: Twilight in a Knotted World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Carpenters and Kings: Western Christianity and the Idea of India (DRM EPUB)

Carpenters and Kings: Western Christianity and the Idea of India (Hardcover)

eBook: Year of the Weeds (DRM EPUB)

Grasshopper's Run (Paperback)

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