Autumn with Family & Friends (Hardcover)
作者: Gooseberry Patch 
分類: General cookery & recipes ,
Cooking for parties ,
Parties, etiquette & entertaining ,
Holidays & seasonal interest  
書城編號: 26668148

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Gooseberry Patch
出版日期: 2024/06/04 (快將出版)
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781620935712

Now with 22 Fall-perfect photos! Ahh, autumn...golden leaves crunching underfoot, warm, woolly sweaters, mugs of spicy cider and the cheers of the Friday night football crowd. No wonder it's our favorite time of the year for get-togethers with family & friends! Any gathering is even better with plenty of tasty food, so you'll find some of our yummiest fall recipes in Autumn with Family & Friends. Serve up a weekend breakfast of All-in-One Breakfast Bake and Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins before heading out on a family walk. Pack a thermos of Spiced Apple Tea, gather your best girlfriends and take in a country auction...Slow-Cooker Steak Chili will be bubbling away when you get home. Pepperoni Pinwheels, Crispy Potato-Bacon Puffs and Crunchy Cashew Mix are sure to be a hit with the tailgating crowd. And on Thanksgiving Day, everyone will give thanks for a festive dinner of Dijon Roast Turkey, Granny's Apple Dressing and Queenie's Potato sure to save room for Aunt Helen's Apple Cake! We've included plenty of easy ideas for fall-time fun like bonfire parties, neighborhood block parties and fireside soup suppers. So make the most of this autumn season. 201 Recipes.
Gooseberry Patch 作者作品表

5 Ingredient Family Favorite Recipes: Updated with 23 Food Photos (Spiral)

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Christmas Comfort Classics (Spiral)

Christmas (Tbd) (Hardcover)

Our Favorite Maple Recipes (Spiral)

Our Favorite Kid-Approved Recipes (Spiral)

Autumn with Family & Friends (Hardcover)

Harvest for Sharing (Hardcover)

2025 Gooseberry Patch Pocket Calendar

2025 Gooseberry Patch Appointment Calendar (Spiral)

2025 Gooseberry Patch Wall Calendar (Wall)

Blue Plate Specials (Hardcover)

Our Best Recipes for One or Two (Paperback)

All Time Favorite Recipes from Alabama Cooks (Hardcover)

Secrets from Grandma's Kitchen (Paperback)

All Time Favorite Recipes from South Carolina Cooks (Hardcover)

Come on Over Cookbook (Hardcover)

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