British Columbia Fishes: A Folding Pocket Guide to All Known Native and Introduced Freshwater Species (Paperback)
作者: Matthew Morris 
分類: Limnology (freshwater) ,
Wildlife: aquatic creatures ,
The Earth: natural history general ,
Fishing, angling ,
Travel & holiday guides ,
British Columbia ,
書城編號: 27455050

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版社: Waterford Press Ltd
出版日期: 2024/02/01
ISBN: 9781620057094

Some of the most spectacular salmon runs in North America take place in British Columbia, perhaps none so renowned as the migration of the iconic Sockeye Salmon. There's something uniquely special about observing fish in their natural environments, and BC is rich with opportunities to do this. To get better acquainted with the species you're most likely to encounter, we've created this beautifully illustrated guide featuring 90 of the province's most common native and introduced freshwater and near-shore marine species, as well as descriptions of fish anatomy, a key to field marks, a watershed map, and each species' conservation status. Laminated for durability, this lightweight, 12-panel folding pocket guide is the perfect companion for educators, learners, naturalists, and anglers who wish to sharpen their identification skills and peer more closely into the fascinating lives of British Columbia's fishes. Made in the USA.
Matthew Morris 作者作品表

Alaska Fishes: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Native and Introduced Species (Paperback)

Fishes of the Canadian North: Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon (Paperback)

Manitoba Fishes: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Native and Introduced Species (Paperback)

New Brunswick Fishes: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Native and Introduced Species (Paperback)

Newfoundland & Labrador Fishes: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Native and Introduced Species (Paperback)

Prince Edward Island Fishes: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Native and Introduced Species (Paperback)

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