Knutz and Boltz and the Sorcerer of Science: A STEAM Puzzle Adventure (Paperback)
作者: Tim Collins 
系列: Adventures of Knutz and Boltz
分類: Puzzle books (Children's / Teenage) ,
Educational: Sciences, general science ,
Interest age: from c 8 years  
書城編號: 27736220

原價: HK$112.00
現售: HK$106.4 節省: HK$5.6

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出版社: Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
出版日期: 2024/05/09
頁數: 256
尺寸: 198 x 129 x 18 mm
重量: 232 grams
ISBN: 9781780559377

The first book in a new puzzle-adventure series takes readers on a thrilling scientific quest in the company of Knutz, a STEAM whizz-kid, and canine super-inventor Boltz.
Adventures of Knutz and Boltz

Knutz and Boltz and the Sorcerer of Science: A STEAM Puzzle Adventure (Paperback)

Tim Collins 作者作品表

Knutz and Boltz and the Cosmic Code: A STEAM Puzzle Adventure (Paperback)

Sherlock Bones and the Mischief in Manhattan (Paperback)

Knutz and Boltz and the Sorcerer of Science: A STEAM Puzzle Adventure (Paperback)

eBook: GED Test 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: GED Test 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies (DRM PDF)

Sherlock Bones and the Horror of the Haunted Castle: A Puzzle Quest (Paperback)

Sherlock Bones and the Mystery of the Vanishing Magician: A Puzzle Quest (Paperback)

eBook: GED Test Prep 2023/2024 For Dummies with Online Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: GED Test Prep 2023/2024 For Dummies with Online Practice (DRM EPUB)

The World's Stupidest Tweets (Paperback)

Sherlock Bones and the Curse of the Pharaoh's Mask (Paperback)

Sherlock Bones and the Case of the Crown Jewels (Paperback)

The Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World's Worst Engineers (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

The Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World's Worst Viking (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

Children's Encyclopedia of Maths (Hardcover)

Cosmic Colin: Hairy Hamster Horror [16pt Large Print Edition] (Paperback)

Cosmic Colin: Ticking Time Bomb [16pt Large Print Edition] (Paperback)

Sneezy Alien Attack: Cosmic Colin [16pt Large Print Edition] (Paperback)

Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World's Worst Samurai Warrior (Paperback)

Long-Lost Secret Diary of the World's Worst Olympic Athlete (Paperback)

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