Reflections of Deviance (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)
作者: A.J. Cross 
系列: A Will Traynor forensic mystery
分類: Crime & mystery ,
Warwickshire, West Midlands  
書城編號: 27754786

原價: HK$336.00
現售: HK$319.2 節省: HK$16.8

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出版社: Canongate Books
出版日期: 2024/03/28
頁數: 368
尺寸: 222 x 147 mm
ISBN: 9781448313617


Rich. Successful. Dead . . . The mysterious death of Marion Cane leads criminologist Will Traynor into a deeply challenging and disturbing new case.

Marion Cane swapped a successful city career in New York and London for a quiet retirement in a wealthy village on the outskirts of Birmingham. So why was she found dead in her new home two years later?

Marion's death was thought to be due to natural causes, until an anonymous note leads Superintendent John Heritage of West Midlands Police to ask DCI Bernard Watts and PC Chloe Judd to make enquiries. But when they arrive in Newton Heights, one of the villagers mysteriously vanishes. Still reeling from his own devastating news, criminologist Will Traynor is brought in to assist the team with an increasingly complex and disturbing investigation. Can Traynor push his own demons aside to see through distorted versions of reality, dangerous secrets and dark lies in his pursuit of the truth?

A Will Traynor forensic mystery

Reflections of Deviance (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

Reflections of Deviance (Main) (Paperback)

Reflections of Deviance (Main) (Hardcover)

eBook: Reflections of Deviance (DRM EPUB)

A Dark, Divided Self (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

A Dark, Divided Self (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Dark, Divided Self (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Devil in the Detail (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dark Truths (DRM EPUB)

A.J. Cross 作者作品表

Reflections of Deviance (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

Reflections of Deviance (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Reflections of Deviance (DRM EPUB)

Reflections of Deviance (Main) (Hardcover)

A Dark, Divided Self (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

A Dark, Divided Self (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Dark, Divided Self (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Devil in the Detail (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dark Truths (DRM EPUB)

A Little Death (Main) (Hardcover)

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