The 2018 Archaeological Survey at Tawi Said, Sultanate of Oman (Hardcover)
作者: Stephanie Dopper 
分類: Middle & Near Eastern archaeology ,
Prehistory ,
書城編號: 27862841

售價: $770.00

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出版社: Archaeopress
出版日期: 2024/02/29
重量: 0.66 kg
ISBN: 9781803276960

This book outlines the results of the 2018 archaeological survey at Tawi Said, located on the edge of the Sharqiyah desert in the Sultanate of Oman. The surveyed area of 150 x 125 m yielded close to 8,600 artifacts, with pottery sherds comprising the majority of the finds. Additional discoveries include shells, lithic tools, copper production waste, jewellery and fragments of soft-stone vessels. Of particular interest are two stamp seals, one of which bears a resemblance to the seals of Dilmun style. Two significant phases are attested by the finds from Tawi Said: the Wadi Suq period (2000-1600 BCE) and the Late Islamic period (1650-1970 CE). Together with other discoveries, the Dilmun-inspired stamp seal illustrates the interconnectedness of Tawi Said in interregional exchange during the Wadi Suq period. The connectivity of the Late Islamic period is similarly evidenced by imported pottery, glass bangles and other artefacts. The absence of architectural remains suggests that Tawi Said was a temporary place used by mobile groups throughout its existence.
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