Clinical Essentials of Pain Management
作者: Robert J. Gatchel 
書城編號: 53024

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出版社: American Psychological Association (APA)
出版日期: 2004/09
頁數: 300
ISBN: 9781591471530

Clinical Essentials of Pain Management lays out an empirically documented program for treating patients experiencing acute and chronic pain, two of the most common symptoms in modern society. Going beyond traditional biomedical remedies, Robert Gatchel offers a comprehensive viewpoint that takes into consideration not only biological, but also psychological and social variables.

Clinical Essentials of Pain Management gives mental health practitioners guidance on how to assess and treat pain patients, including discussions of frequently used measurement tools, instruments for matching patients with the best treatment, the interaction of mental states and the experience of pain, and details about cognitive-behavior interventions. Theauthor illustrates the assessment-treatment process in a number of evocative case examples and provides chapter appendices that feature everything from pain questionnaires to relaxation exercises that may be administered to clients. In addition, the autho

Robert J. Gatchel 作者作品表

Handbook of Musculoskeletal Pain and Disability Disorders in the Workplace (2014) (paperback)

Clinical Essentials of Pain Management

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